Rethink Church was announced back in October with the goals as stated in the link. Since the new 10KDoors opened for business now, I guess the question on my mind is, will it work?
quote from the article...
Challenging the church
The Commission on Communication was “very enthusiastic” about the general concept for “Rethink Church,” said Bishop Sally Dyck, commission president, …... Rethink Church is going to challenge every local church to think about what the meaning and purpose of church is.”
So I am wondering, are our local churches ready to accept the coming tide of those influenced by the new campaign to give the ole' local Methodist Church they drive by every now and then a try? Will they find the "Church is a verb" or "Church is a state of mind" concept or will they find the traditional "Church is a building for Sunday where we collect money"?
I have heard little passed on through our church except what I have read about myself. How can these large campaigns start at the top if the bottom is not ready for it? Training for the local churches is absolutely mandatory for these campaigns to work. Are we ready to recieve the people this might attract? Do we know what to expect at our local Churches?
You might say as good Christians and Methodists we already know how to treat newcomers and how to provide welcoming hospitality. Hopefully, this is the case. But still, are we ready for the different attitude? Are we ready to dig in and get hands dirty for the people who want to do Church as a verb? Are we ready "to Church" instead of just attending? Is your congregation set up to support those who want "to Church" or are you set up to have people attend events? Are you "Churching" outside of the walls of a building?
Thoughts, anyone?