Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Lay Speaker Post

Been a long while since I was here, but I have not been without service or voice.  I did not feel led to blog anymore.  I posted the following in the Lay Speaker Facebook Group and for full disclosure post this here, as I can no longer be considered an official Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church. 
I am of a divided mind as I write this. I have had to move to a new conference due to my job, and have joined a new local church. I already face a challenge in that I need to have local church approval just to keep my previous credentials as a Certified Lay Speaker, yet alone show I could be a Local Lay Speaker. This would be the year I would renew my credentials as a Certified Lay Speaker had I not moved, but the new process is a burden I think I will choose not to bear.

The new rules:
"1. Pastor and charge conference approval
2. Complete the required courses for lay speaker
3. Interview with District Committee on LSM
4. Approved by annual conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries
5. File annual report
6. Every 3 years complete 1 advanced course and interview with District Committee on LSM."

Well I have done the advanced course three times now, but I no longer feel led to do it for a fourth. The new rules say I am no longer qualified since I do not have the "...Required Courses:
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, Leading Prayer, Preaching, Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM Heritage), Leading Worship, Life Together in the United
Methodist Connection (UM Polity)"

I've only had one of them, maybe two. I've done 1, 5 and half of 6 for a while. I think I have done enough personal study to pass the others, but I have no "certificates".

I fear this is not a good thing for our church. I feel this is more control over laity who feel led to stand up and lead. I am not really sure it is required for Christian growth and education as much as to silence voices or an attempt to create more "Lay Ministers". I fear this will weaken the voice of laity. I pray I am wrong. I am and always will be a Lay Servant for Christ and His church, even without a title. I do not feel I need the courses for that, although they were great experience for my Christian education and growth. I am not sure I feel led to speak from the pulpit any longer given the new rules. So I no longer feel qualified to be included as a group member here. I pray the Lord lead me to the next path in our walk together.

Grace and Peace to all.