I’ve experienced a rash of brokenness within one week!
1. One car driven by son meets deer in road at 40mph.
2. Second car driven by other son meets rear end of another vehicle.
3. Fancy glass faux alabaster touchier lamp shade meets wall.
4. Rug cleaner stops working on the weekend I finally have available to use it (this is related to number 3).
5. Newly purchased low price old replacement car rear window meets disconnected pressure washer hose end (a smashing experience).
6. My normally mild temperament broken with lashing out at my loved ones.
Thankfully, there were no personal physical injuries involved in these. Some money for repairs and a new vehicle (well, a lot of money), some money for a new shade, some money for auto insurance, some money for a little Plexiglas/weather strips and some money for a new rug cleaner. 1 through 5 solved.
For number 6, some apologies and forgiveness and understanding from the family and some grace from above given to me for the asking…. priceless.
Lord, you are surely worthy to be praised!
1 comment:
Must have been the week for accidents...I too was rear-ended this week and suffered some whiplash but nothing life threatening...thanks to the Lord for his protection.
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